LWCC is a non-profit Corporation that consists of the general membership, represented through the Board of Directors, which subdivides into an Executive Committee and other working committees. The business of the Corporation is taken care of through regular Board meetings. At these meetings the Directors are presented with information by the Coordinator of the Centre and the Executive Committee members and have the opportunity to vote on the matters that are put forward. The Executive and other committees meet more frequently and are in direct consultation with staff and external members of the community while taking care of the daily management of the Centre.

Members at large may attend Board meetings, although they may not vote. As well, members may put forward items for discussion and consideration at Board meetings by speaking to a member of the Board or by writing, usually to the Chair.

The General Membership meets semi-annually or when special circumstances dictate the necessity. All members are eligible and are encouraged to attend and participate. The main duties of The Lee Wiggins Childcare Centre members are twofold. First, members are expected to attend annual meetings in order to review and approve the audit of the previous year and the budget for the upcoming fiscal term. Second, they must be cognizant of and conduct themselves in accordance with the regulations and policies of the Corporation.

If you would like more detailed information about the LWCC Corporation, please see the Constitution and Bylaws of the Corporation, as well as the Board of Directors Handbook.  These are available from the Centre’s Coordinator. 


Members of the LWCC are encouraged to stand for election to become a Board member, which is the Centre’s highest decision-making body. Having member representation is critical to the sustainability and success of the Centre.


This is the major financial meeting of the membership, and is normally held in October. At this time, members are presented with the previous year’s Audit for discussion and approval. Auditors for the current year must also be approved. The Centre’s Operating Budget is presented, along with any other information and business such as upcoming fundraising. If the Board of Directors decides that there is need for additional meetings of the membership, a special or general meeting can be called. At any time, the membership itself has the means to request that a general meeting be called by presenting a written requisition to the Board supported by at least one-third of the membership body. In this requisition a rationale for the meeting and any motion(s) that will be raised must be stipulated. The Board is then responsible for ensuring that such a meeting is held within forty-five days from the time that the request is received. The membership will be notified of this upcoming general meeting through public postings in and around the facility.


At each meeting of the members, be it annual or general, quorum must be obtained. Quorum refers to the minimum number of officers and members that must necessarily be present for the valid transaction of Corporation business. It is thus important that members try to attend such meetings, or if that is not possible,

to find a member who is attending and send their proxy vote. Each member of the Corporation has the right to one vote which can be exercised in person or in absentia, by proxy. To vote by proxy the absentee member must submit in writing to the Secretary of the Corporation or of the meeting authorization for appointment of a proxy voter. This proxy voter must be a member of the Corporation and may not hold more than one proxy at a time.